Apply moment on nod...
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Apply moment on node

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Posts: 3
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Hi together,

I am currently working on a cylindrical segment model with shell elements. Now I want to apply a moment about the global z axis on a set of nodes (this axis is the rotational axis of the cylindrical segment).

My idea is to create a node in the z axis and then to apply the moment on this node but i dont know how to couple this node with my set of nodes from the cylindrical segment.

I am using LS Dyna within Ansys Workbench but manually editing the input.k with keywords is no problem for me.




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Negative Volume
Posts: 672
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi @hunterx777

I believe you can do what you have illustrated pretty easily. First, create a *set_node of the nodes that you want to constrain to the single node. Then you might want to apply a constraint to that single node so that it can only rotate about the z axis. You can do this with *Boundary_spc_node and make all the constraints 1 except for DOFRZ. 

Now you want to apply the moment to the node using *Load_node_point and set your DOF to 7 and then create your moment curve and reference in the LCID. 

Let me know if this works for you. 


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Joined: 4 years ago

Thanks for your answer. I tried this and experienced an error that says I have a massless node (my created "external point"). With *ELEMENT_MASS I put a little mass on it and the error went away. As I look in my results there is no deformation of my model so it didnt work. As you described, I think the linking/coupling is missing between the one node in the z-axis and the uppers nodes ("oben") in *NODE_SET.

My "code":

      95      0.00000000      0.00000000    600.00000000  
$#   eid     nid            mass     pid   
      46      95            0.01       0
        1         2        12        14        16
$#     nid       cid      dofx      dofy      dofz     dofrx     dofry     dofrz
        95       158         1         1         1         1         1         0
$#     nid       dof      lcid        sf       cid        m1        m2        m3
        95         7        99       1.0       158         0         0         0


I tried another way with the use of a rigid body. First I applied an "external displacement" on my "external point" about a rotation about the global z-axis e.g. 5 degrees. The "external point" is coupled with the nodes of the set "oben". All done within the Workbench GUI. My results are displaying a rotation about the global z-axis just like I want but with applying of a moment instead of a defined rotation. Then I had a look at my input.k to know what kewords and input data was used for this.

For rotation *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID was used, I replaced this keyword with *LOAD_RIGID_BODY


My "code":

      95      0.00000000      0.00000000    600.00000000                        
        95         1         2        12        14        16
$      pid       cid      nsid     pnode      iprt    drflag    rrflag   unused1
         2       158        89         0         0         0         0          
$      xc        yc        zc        tm      ircs    nodeid      
       0.0       0.0       0.0   0.000471        0        95
$     ixx       ixy       ixz       iyy       iyz       izz   
     463.2  0.026805       0.0     7.761       0.0     471.0
$      vtx       vty       vtz       vrx       vry       vrz             unused4
       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0                    
$#     pid       dof      lcid        sf       cid        m1        m2        m3
         2         7        99       1.0       158         0         0         0

The manual says to *LOAD_RIGID_BODY:

The force is applied at the center of mass or a moment is applied around a global axis.

In my results you can see that the moment is applied like in the middle of node set "oben" and not about the global z-axis. I have no idea why this isnt working.

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Negative Volume
Joined: 6 years ago

Posts: 672

@hunterx777 Nice job solving through this. There are usually quite a few ways to accomplish something in LS-Dyna. 

In your *Load_rigid_body, it looks like you have a coordinate system defined (CID). This should act as the coordinate system about where the load is applied. Where is this?


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Joined: 4 years ago

The coordinate system cid=158 is located colinear with the default coordinate system but moved z=+600mm so thats on the same height as the node set "oben".

After I changed drflag=7 ("release 𝑥, 𝑦, and 𝑧 displacement in rigid body local system"), rrflag=7 ("release 𝑥, 𝑦, and 𝑧 rotations in rigid body local system") and cid=21 (21 is the default coordinate system) it is working.

It works only with the flag "+7" and not with "-7" (release displacement and rotation in global system).

The problem now is that I applied a positive moment about the z-axis but the results showing a negative rotation about the z-axis. Thats strange but I can live with that.

 positive Mz negativ Rotz
