In my analysis there is a solid sphere meshed with 10 noded tetrahedron elements. I chose elform 16 in section. When i check the sphere on contact check>by parts, it gives me 46 crossed edges around the surface (The model look okay though). I tried flipping the nodes but it just made it worse. There is a slight difference between real result and my result and I was hoping this might cause it. However, i dont know neither if it is nor how to correct it. Any advices?
I am not so knowledgeable but I think it can not be reason.
Please leave a screen shot when you are saying:" When i check the sphere on contact check>by parts, it gives me 46 crossed edges around the surface" to let guys help.
don't flip it.
@error_man How did you create the sphere? It sounds like you are dealing with a duplicate node issue, meaning adjacent nodes are not connected but have their own nodes which are crossing.
Do you know how to find and merge duplicate nodes in LS-PrePost?