Picture below shows a disc which is rotating around its center. It will deform but for a reason, distance of the peripheral nodes (yellow nodes) from the center must be always constant. What should I do?
If using Cylindrical Constrain from SPC is solution, how should I apply it?
Thank you in Advance
Hi @mass,
I've never tried using a cylindrical constraint like you are mentioning. I'm not sure if you can apply a cylinder constraint to *Boundary_SPC, but you could probably create a local coordinate system in the center of the disc and use a standard *Boundary_SPC_set and constrain in the lateral directions.
Thank you @negativevolume
It was for one month ago. As I couldn't do that I solved the problem by a rigid part around the disk.
But my curiosity to know how to constrain it by *Boundary_SPC still remained.
And I have already tried your way. Again it didn't work.