To plot stress vs s...
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To plot stress vs strain curve

3 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 5
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Unpaid Intern
Joined: 4 years ago

Dear all,

I am a very new user of LS-Dnya and after running a simulation using postprocessing, I want to plot a stress vs strain curve. Various forms of (X,Y,Z,...Effective, Maximum principal and many others) stress can be found within History plot. Also, there are bunch of strains listed in the same toolbox. However, which variables are to be considered to plot an engineering stress-strain curve?

I am also aware that various stress and strain values can also be found by using Fringe component. But I needed these data in the form of Stress-Time and Strain-Time which later can be adapted for stress-strain plot.

Thank you very much in advance.


2 Replies

Negative Volume
Posts: 643
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi @bhattarai

It really depends where you are trying to extract the stress/strain from. You are correct that you can use the fringe component to analyze these but you can also use the ascii or binout output from ELOUT which you activate in the *Database_elout. I've linked a video below which goes over how to add elements to the *Database_history_solid in order to output the stresses and strains in the elout. (Implementation starts at 20:55 in the video)

This document may help answer any detailed questions regarding ELOUT from solid elements


Let me know if you have any more questions. 


Posts: 5
Topic starter
Unpaid Intern
Joined: 4 years ago

Thank you admin for the reply, it was a great help. Now I feel, it was not difficult at all, but being new in the business I was little lost. Finally, I could achieve what I desired using History tool.

Best regards,


