Creating a diesel t...
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Creating a diesel tank with a sandwich structure in ABAQUS

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Hey guys, for a project in my masters study we are creating a new buildconcept for diesel tank. Conventional tanks are usually quboidal and made of steel sheets (attached file), but we are planing to build, nay, to simulate such a tank in a sandwich strucutre. At this point we are pretty unsure how to do so. We figured two options out.

1. Creating the tank as a shell and work with composite layups. in the composite layup we can define some different layers, for example if i want for the composite face sheet an orientation like this (0/45/-45/90)s then we can define 9 layers (4 for each sheet and 1 for the foam core). All of these layers could have differences in thickness, material and orientation.

2. Creating a sandwich with 2 face sheets and with 1 core (attached file), but the main problem in this problem is, how to make curces with that technique.

we have already tried the first option, but it was a bit difficult to define the exact orientation of the laminate.

Do you guys have some advice for us? Are these two ways good to go or would you rather recommend an other way for the simulation of such an tank? Many thanks in advance and greetings from germany 🙂

