Unpaid Intern
Joined: December 24, 2020 7:05 am
Last seen: December 28, 2020 2:16 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: I am tying to solve a non-linear problem using Ls-Dyna IMPLICIT solver. However, I am unable to achieve convergence.

Also on last steps before failure this message:"convergence failure, repeat step: dtnew = 2.78495E-02"

4 years ago
RE: I am tying to solve a non-linear problem using Ls-Dyna IMPLICIT solver. However, I am unable to achieve convergence.

@mohammad_basri I am solving some simple along/across fiber tensile problems for composite. Almost all of them (34 of 35) were solved ok, except 1 ...

4 years ago
RE: I am tying to solve a non-linear problem using Ls-Dyna IMPLICIT solver. However, I am unable to achieve convergence.

@negativevolume @mohammad_basri Hi! Tell me pls, was the problem solved? Suppose I have something like it.

4 years ago
RE: Help with mat054

Update: The problem is timestep defined in control - implicit auto. According to logs it falls below DTMIN. But no idea why. Maybe the problem is ...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1104