Last seen: September 14, 2021 8:38 pm
Hi@negativevolume Do not worry! Many thanks for your suggestion. Regards Marso1
Hi @negativevolume Many thanks for your help. My simulation is implicit at first, then it switches to explicit. I am using quad element with 4 ...
Hi @negativevolume !!! Many thanks for your help. I read the instructions in the post which you suggested, As the bar is straight, I used the fun...
Hi @negativevolume Many thanks
@negativevolume Hi! I finally solved the problem was in a curve, I forgot to put "SIDR" equal to zero. Many thanks Regards Marso1
@negativevolume. The distance between the damper down and the bar is zero. (It must be so) The distance between the damper up and the bar is 1 mm
@negativevolume Yes I have. Under the properties i put the shell thiknes (T1=2mm) Under the groups I put both (MST and SST) = 0 Regards ...
@negativevolume, I did It, At first the force curve is a ramp and than is constant. The force is "Load Node" The contact between the bar and ...
Hi@samuelbas The curve that I am using to define the force last for une second, but the test last 0.005 seconds. I have to find the force that sto...
Hi,@negativevolume. Thanks for your help. The damper down is fixed and the damper up has to sqeeze the bar. On the damper up a force is applied....