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[Closed] About and Guidelines

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CEO Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 672
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Welcome to the FEAssistant forum! This is a dedicated community help forum for all processes related to finite element analysis and computational modeling. This is a friendly community with users of levels of experience so there are no dumb questions. Feel free to register and ask any question!

A few guidelines regarding posting:

  • You will be prompted to create a Username, Display Name, and Nickname. Your Username is what you will use to login to the forum. The Display Name is what will show next to your posts and what other users will see when they view your profile. Your Nickname is what is used for your profile URL and the name that other users can mention or reply to you. For your account security, do not use the same name for your Username and Display Name / Nickname. However, you may use the same name for both you Display name and Nickname. 
    • You may mention other members using @Nickname and they will be notified via email.
    • User Nicknames are shown under their Display Name as @Nickname.
    • You may also add a custom profile picture. Keep it clean.
  • Please create a new Topic within the relevant Forum if you have a question that has not been previously covered by another Topic. Do not comment on a Topic with an unrelated question.
  • The method of notifications goes through the email that you submit, so if you want to receive alerts regarding responses to your questions, please use an email that you check regularly. You can click the orange "Subscribe for new replies" button below the title of a Topic if you would like to receive email alerts for replies to that topic even if you did not start it.
  • Attachments are allowed with the following extensions:
    • "jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, bmp, tiff, tif, ico, asf, asx, wmv, wmx, wm, avi, divx, flv, mov, qt, mpeg, mpg, mpe, mp4, m4v, ogv, webm, mkv, 3gp, 3gpp, 3g2, 3gp2, txt, asc, c, cc, h, srt, csv, tsv, ics, rtx, css, htm, html, vtt, dfxp, mp3, m4a, m4b, ra, ram, wav, ogg, oga, mid, midi, wma, wax, mka, rtf, js, pdf, class, tar, zip, gz, gzip, rar, 7z, xcf, doc, pot, pps, ppt, wri, xla, xls, xlt, xlw, mdb, mpp, docx, docm, dotx, dotm, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, xltx, xltm, xlam, pptx, pptm, ppsx, ppsm, potx, potm, ppam, sldx, sldm, onetoc, onetoc2, onetmp, onepkg, oxps, xps, odt, odp, ods, odg, odc, odb, odf, wp, wpd, key, numbers, pages."
    • Please be wary of large attachments and zip files when possible
    • You may also use the image URL the attach an image using HTML
  • No topics about "cracked" versions of software are allowed, but free trials are acceptable.
  • If you have any issues regarding using the forum or questions about posting, feel free to email me at: contact@feassistant.com

tNine and geardyn.1 reacted
