LS - DYNA Yahoo gro...
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[Solved] LS - DYNA Yahoo group

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Hello everyone. Is anyone here also a member of the Yahoo LS-DYNA Group:

I just noticed I'm unable to view any conversation from it and I wonder if I'm the only one with this problem.

I also noticed there's a message about Yahoo ending the hosting and creation of new content. If the group has been effectively terminated, was there an announcement from the members about any alternative group? The only communities DYNA related I could find were the Pre-post Group and this forum.

Thank you in advance.

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Negative Volume
Posts: 674
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Hi @hogh,

I am but I have not paid much attention to it the last year or so. I didn't hear anything about that but it would unfortunate if it is shutting down. 

Your last sentence is why I created this forum so hopefully it can continue to grow and be a helpful place to ask questions and discuss FEA. 

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I am also unable to send any mails to Ls dyna group.

Following is the paper regarding analytical solution of bullet hitting on fabric:
But the equations from which the book( strength under high transient loads rakhmatulina 1961) are derived are hard to understand.

Anyone can please give above mention book or any other book in which analytical solution is given.


Negative Volume
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Posts: 674


Looks like they migrated the yahoo group to a google group here:

I'm not familiar with that paper but I can look into it for you. 


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I just confirmed it. The group is still active with limited functionality via the posting email only.

Bad news is all previous contributions are now lost since there's no public archive available.

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Negative Volume
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Posts: 674


Thats bizarre...get any explanation as to why they are just shutting it down completely? I wonder if it has to do with ANSYS wanting to migrate everything to a dedicated ANSYS forum. I think the yahoo group was created by LSTC so it would make sense if they were given orders to shut down.

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This is all on Yahoo's end. They decided to significantly reduce Yahoo Groups functionality to its bare minimum. No reason given, but it's probably because they're looking to cut costs.

Negative Volume
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Posts: 674


Ah, well then that explains it. And you said that none of the previous topics and discussion will be retained? Has everything already been lost?

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Indeed, it's all gone. You only get to keep the threads sent to your email if you had that option enabled.

Negative Volume
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I just checked earlier and I’ve had emails being sent to my email. I can try to find your discussion that you are looking for if you like.

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@negativevolume oh wow, the LS-Dyna Yahoo group has really effectively been shut down?? That is terrible news. I have used Dyna now for nearly 15 years and I credit much of my knowledge to this Yahoo group. Certainly in the early years I simply could not have survived without this group, and of course particularly the help of James Kennedy who answered most of the queries.

Yahoo at a minimum should make available the database of this group as it is invaluable as a research tool when you are tackling difficult Dyna problems, I truly hope it is all not lost.



Negative Volume
Joined: 6 years ago

Posts: 674

@richsmith I agree, the database should be kept. You can still access the threads that were sent to your email if you were subscribed, but the database of questions is not public anymore. From the group:

"As you discovered, you can no longer search the contents in the LS-DYNA User Group. That archive of messages no longer exists (no files or photos can be posted) as they have been deleted."

I could always contact the owners of the yahoo group and ask for permission to repost portions of topics from the yahoo group here so people can still use them as resources. 

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Posts: 2

@negativevolume seriously, they have "deleted" the database???!

That's just plain stupid and very hard to understand.

There is no equivalent, so we've all gone backwards from a research point of view.  🙁

