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Hyperworks Student Edition does not support LSDYNA export.

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Hi there folks, does anyone know a workaround for the new student license restriction. I'm trying to use Hypermesh for my meshing in Dyna for a university Masters project.

I'd greatly appreciate any input.

 Annotation 2020 09 08 122646
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Posted by: @djsburra

Hi there folks, does anyone know a workaround for the new student license restriction. I'm trying to use Hypermesh for my meshing in Dyna for a university Masters project.

I'd greatly appreciate any input.

Annotation 2020 09 08 122646

Hi djsburra, 

Would you please let us know if you could have solved the problem of exporting *.k files from Hypermesh?


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Posts: 9


Sorry to take so long to respond...


so I discovered that the student hypermesh version does not have apacity to export .k files  or any other file for that matter apart from hypermesh proprietry file extensions that cannot be converted as far as I know.


I managed to get hold of a full liscence key from my university (The electrical engineering department of all places!)


I spoke to some of the devs/reps at hypermesh and it seems to be an error or something that this functionality was removed from the student licenses, hopefully they will revert back to the previous functionality!


I hope this helps.

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@djsburra Thanks you so much for the reply.


Negative Volume
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Hi @djsburra

That really stinks, they must have updated their student license limitations this year. Honestly, it never hurts to contact them and ask? You could get in touch with somebody in your department and see if there is any budget to pay to a limited license. 

Alternatively, you can use something else for meshing. Depending on how advanced you are going, you could use LS-PrePost's built-in meshing tools. It won't be as glamorous, but it can get the job done. If you choose to go this route let me know and I can try to get you started and acclimated with it. 

There are other free meshing software like IA-FEMesh (link below) which are even less intuitive but better at things like hexahedral meshing

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Hi @negativevolume

Thank you, I contacted them and it seems their sales reps were not even aware of this change, I'm hoping it's a mistake. They were very helpful though, even suggested someone in the university who has a license pool for students. Hopefully, this works out.

I appreciate the offer of help, I'll let you know if it's necessary.

fingers crossed!

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@djsburra Hello, I just installed the free Hyperworks student version by Altair University, and still, I see the problem you had previously is there. No possibility to export into LS-DYNA files. Therefore, I am curious if you had the chance to resolve this issue.  

If any other one had the same problem, I would appreciate it if she/he could share.

Thanks in advance.

Negative Volume
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Posts: 641

@ana @djsburra Did this ever get resolved?

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As I mentioned before, I managed to get hold of a commercial licence through my university. I have not since followed up on LSdyna support.


Negative Volume
Posts: 641
Joined: 6 years ago

@djsburra that's good to hear! Yeah the people I know at Altair are all very nice. Fingers crossed for sure!

Let me know if you get it worked out

