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March 9, 2020 4:24 pm
Hello everybody,
In order to analyze my model, I need to plot the nodal acceleration.
I obtained some results from MATSUM and RCFORC, but for I couldn't load the results from NODOUT. The error message is "File has no information to be processed!" even though the ASCII file was created, but it's empty ( size 1 Ko ).
Does someone have a solution ?
Thank you !
1 Reply
March 14, 2020 6:11 pm
Hi Ihab,
The NODOUT file is empty because you didn't specify the nodes for which you would like to have the ASCII database extracted.
Did you check in the manual? In Volume I, under *Database_ASCII NODOUT you'll find that you need to specify *Database_History_Node_Option. You have several options, I typically use the "_Set" and assign node sets.