I am working on a rock cutting simulation. What I care about are contact force and mass of rock debris. When I using FEM model, the contact force is much less than experimental results due to the failed element deleting. Therefore, I tried FEM-SPH method. The contact force is in good agreement with experimental results when I using FEM-SPH without mat add erosion, but no rock debris produced. However, when I using FEM-SPH with mat add erosion, the contact force is still less than experimental results due to the rock particles fly out.
Here are some details about my model,
Rock: SPH , Mohr-Coulomb model
Disc cutter: FEM, rigid
Failure criterion: tension failure, set the value of MNPRES in *MAT_ADD_EROSION to minus tensile strength (got from static Brazilian splitting test).
Could you tell me how to get reasonable contact force when using MAT_ADD_EROSION in FEM-SPH model?
Thank you in advance.
One of the key factors with the SPH model is particle spacing. I cannot speak to your simulation specifically but for dam-break wave generated impacts particle spacing has a significant influence on the contact forces. Potentially with using the erosion card you need a smaller particle spacing.