This is probably off topic, but I would like to ask.
I tested LS Dyna built into WORKBENCH.
It is not possible to attach SPH bodies and rigid bodies to each other. The LS-Dyna single module prepost has a TIED_NODES_TO_SURFACES pin that allows you to pin the rigid body segment and SPH of the body. But ANSYS WB LS-DYNA ACT does not have this option.
There is no information in the tutorials either.
How to set a contact in WORKBENCH? If you use a snippet, it is not possible to set a segment for a rigid body.
Hi @javat33489,
I’ve yet to dive into Workbench so I won’t be able to help. Have you tried *Constrained_extra_nodes instead? There’s usually multiple ways to constrain nodes depending on if bodies are rigid or not etc but that should work as well.