Just curious,
Has anyone had a chance to download and run the THuMS model from Toyota yet? I am hoping to use it for my research, but the default model error terminates on my workstation with no errors in the message file. I'm wondering if the model requires additional inputs in order to run properly, or if my workstation is simply underpowered.
Hi @rybask1,
What exactly are you "running"? Just the model by itself? You should at least be able to initialize it by itself so something is going wrong. How are you attempting to simulate it and what memory are you inputting?
So far I am simply trying to run just the model, like you said. I have not made any changes to the keyword that I downloaded from Toyota. When you ask what memory I am inputting, are you referring to the memory allocation in KEYWORD_KEYWORD? If so, I'm not familiar with allocating memory using 'words' as the unit. What value would you suggest?
My default values for NCPU and Memory are 8 and 71m, respectively. I've had some success running the validation sets provided in the the THUMS download package, and even making some simple alterations to the keyword.
I believe the problem was solved simply by opening the main keyword and all of the INCLUDE files in LSPP and re-saving them into the same folder. Thanks for all your help!