Has anyone had any serious luck with getting Dyna results inside an AR/VR environment?
You answer a lot of questions around here that are way over my head so I doubt I have any ideas you tried already.
But I heard Blender added some kind of VR supports a bit ago. If that means you can view the d3plot renderings you make that could be cool. However, since the renderings are frame by frame exports (I think) you shouldn't exactly be able to fly around blanking parts or changing fringes with hand gestures like you're Tony Stark. So if that is what you want I'm sorry if you read this whole thing :/
Thanks for your response.
Yes, I have investigated a few options. There is a clunky pipeline going from Dyna to ParaView that seems to work in some cases but it is not ready for prime-time. HyperView has some relatively novel features in it that are okay; I wouldn't take write poems about it just yet. Finally, ANSYS is working on supporting LS-DYNA in one of their AR/VR tools. Fingers crossed at this point.
Perhaps, you/others can address a related question - What are the kinds of real-world business use cases you have seen for AR/VR? I am trying to go beyond the obvious collaborative environment pitch that is sold (a bit too early, in my opinion; you'd think the pitch would come after the product is ready for prime time).
About some of my answers being a bit beyond your grasp at this point, feel free to ask. If my answer won't help, perhaps someone else's might.