Closed cell Aluminu...
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Closed cell Aluminum foam

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Joined: 2 years ago

In LS DYNA 2022. Which material is best suited for Aluminum syntactic foams? And what are the parameters for the same? It has the following materials named as foams:

  1. Closed cell foam
  2. Low density foam
  3. Viscous foam
  4. Crushable foam
  5. Bilkhu/Dubois foam
  6. FU_Chang foam
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Posts: 6
Joined: 2 years ago

Hi, you'll probably want to look at something like *MAT_126 modified Honeycomb. I don't have any experience using it, but have worked with *MAT_063 ­and 163 Crushable foams for expanded polystyrene and it can be pretty tricky getting it to work.

The hardest part is probably getting the material characterization data. Information on stress-strain curves for these materials are pretty scarce, so hopefully you have access to a university lab with the relevant equipment to generate your own input curves!

Here's a nice reference page for material models if you haven't stumbled across it already:


