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November 2, 2020 1:06 pm
I am receiving this error in ls dyna. My model contains SPH particles and shell model (curvy). SPH strikes shell with defined velocity, shell is costrained 6 DOF from edges. Contact is automatic nodes to surface. I set timestep TSSFAC to 0.6. There is no error in keyword check. I tried setting memory instead of default. I dont know what causes this. Image is attached and i can share .k file if you want.
Ls prepost 4.8 x 64 windows and ls dyna r.11
Thanks in advance
6 Replies
November 2, 2020 4:46 pm
Hi @error_man,
Try changing your LS-Dynamic solver to the double precision version. So instead of “_smp_s_” it would be “_smp_d_” of the same version.